Workshop for
4-15 Participants
„Tango is a sad thought danced…“
Argentine tango is about extremes: it is simultaneously sad and lighthearted, sensual and cool, sentimental and harsh and always rhythmically to the point.
The participants will explore typical patterns, playing styles and techniques of tango by playing special pieces and arrangements together. We will study traditional tango and tango nuevo.
In smaller courses there is also opportunity for individual master classes on pre-prepared works of tango literature (e.g. by Astor Piazzolla) and how to play them authentically.
Workshop Topics
Playing techniques:
Anticipated marcato, bowed pizzicato, arrastre, chicharra, látigo, compressed pulse, delaying and restraining, etc.
approach to melody, approach to accompaniment, rhythm concepts
Dynamics, elongation and variation, lyrical vs. percussive approach, etc.
Tango, vals, and milonga; traditional tango and tango nuevo
It is possible to teach this course together with a colleague playing a different instrument so the course can be opened for other instruments as well!

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